I have had to go Robot academy to bring some parts of robot that is for my University class project. After ate lunch, I took my transport card (we say T money) and go outside. The weather had been so hot so unusually I wore short pans and shrits. To go to robot academy, I had to take blue buses. There are many buses so I got on one of the buses. Unfortunately, I misheard so I got off before one station.
Immediately upon arriving, I headed to AS room, and took three bluetooth modules(two of that had been already paired and other isn't), a 11.1v battery cell and a IR distance sensor.
Today word list
우려, 걱정, 문제, 일, ~을 걱정스럽게하다, 관련되다, 영향을 미치다.
Concerning: ~에 관하여
Concerned: 염려하는, 관련된
Concerns about/over: ~대한 걱정
be concerned about: ~에 대해 걱정하다
be concerned with: ~에 관련되다
The resident raised safety concerns about the building.
거주자들이 빌딩에 대한 안전 걱정을했다.
People are concerned about the revised policies.
사람들은 개정된 정책에 대해 걱정한다.
Concern = issue = matter = problem = 문제
Concern = worry = 걱정
Conver = involve = ~에 관련시키다.
준수하다, 따르다
Compliance: 준수
Compliant: 준수하는
in compliant with: ~을 준수하다
comply with rules/regulations/policies: ~을 따르다
conform to, adhere to, observe: 준수하다, 따르다
New staff should comply twith the safety regulations
새로운 직원든 안전 규정를 따라야한다.
regulate: 규제하다, 통제하다
regulatory: 규제상의
safety regulations: 안전 규제
customs regulations: 관세 규정
Exceptional: 예외적인, 매우 뛰어나는
Exceptionally: 예외적으로, 대단히
Except: ~을 제외하고
CEO looked through the project proposals except for the last one
CEO는 마지막을 제외한 프로젝트 제안서를 훑어보았다.
지키다, 고수하다
Adherence: 고수, 충심
Adhesive: 들러붙는, 접착제
Adhere to policies: 정책을 지키다
허락, 허가
permit: 허락하다, 허가증
The supervisor granted his staff permission to access the confiential data.
최고 권위자는 그의 직원한테 기밀 데이터 접근을 허락했다.
이용, 권한, 접근, 통로, ~에 접근하다
accessible: 이용할 수 있는, 출입할 수 있는
gain/grant access to
Only authorized personnel may gain access to client files.
오직 허가 받은 직원만이 고객 파일에 접근할 수 있다.